Interesting Facts about the 2014 Fifa World Cup Mascot


How to Use Colour in Logo Design to Communicate the Right Message Effectively

Design 19/06/2014

The Art of Hand Lettering

Design 13/06/2014
Interesting Facts about the 2014 Fifa World Cup Mascot
Who is Fuleco? He’s a blue-armored armadillo and you’re going to be seeing a lot of him during the next month of World Cup action.
How to Use Colour in Logo Design to Communicate the Right Message Effectively
When studying colour theory we are given an understanding of the colour wheel and the harmonious relationships that can be forged between these brothers of reflecting light… It is here that we are given a cheat sheet on how to use colour effectively to communicate the right message. Below we use this knowledge to go behind the scenes of colour theory in logo design while looking at various case studies of logo designs that use these principles. Enjoy.
The Art of Hand Lettering
There once was a time when virtually everything was made by hand. It was simple, and the best way to get something done was to do it yourself. When the Industrial Revolution came along in 1760, it no longer made sense to make your own, well, anything. But there’s been a subtle yet significant shift towards handmade goods in the past few years, which includes the art of hand lettering.
